Jeong Ho-yeon, studying Odegaard and Foden, "I dream of an unimaginable dream"

Jeong Ho-yeon, studying Odegaard and Foden, "I dream of an unimaginable dream"

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"I just thought it would be nice to play in the K-League. After meeting coach Lee Jung-hyo in Gwangju, I started dreaming

bigger dreams, dreams that I couldn't imagine."

The eyes of Gwangju FC's Jeong Ho-yeon of the professional soccer K League 1 sparkled with dreams, hope, and a desire

for growth.

After winning 2-1 in the away match against FC Seoul in the 16th round of the Hana Bank K League 1 2024 held at Seoul

World Cup Stadium on the 2nd, Jeong Ho-yeon met with reporters and said, "I'm having an unimaginable dream."

Jeong Ho-yeon, who entered the K-League stage through Gwangju in 2022, played 34 games in 2023 and had an

outstanding performance with 2 goals and 4 assists.

Last year, he won the gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games and was recognized as the most shining 'new star' by

winning the K-League Young Player Award.

Jeong Ho-yeon, who joined the national team temporarily led by coach Hwang Sun-hong in March as a defensive

midfielder, was not included in the list of players called up for the A match in June led by interim coach Kim Do-hoon.

Jeong Ho-yeon said, "There are still many areas where I need to grow. I plan to keep moving forward without settling for

the present."

Jeong Ho-yeon's gaze went beyond the national team in front of him and reached something more than that.

Jeong Ho-yeon said, "There have been many changes since I joined Gwangju. When no one was interested in me, the team

kept believing in me and gave me a chance," adding, "I am grateful and it is meaningful that I was able to grow as a player

while playing."

He added, "I used to think that it would be nice to just play in the K-League, but after meeting coach Lee Jung-hyo in

Gwangju, I started dreaming of an unimaginable 합법 dream."

Jeong Ho-yeon is director Lee Jeong-hyo's 'favorite disciple'.

Coach Lee Jung-hyo shows Jung Ho-yeon match videos of the world's best midfielders, including Martin Odegaard

(Arsenal), Phil Foden, and Rodri (both Manchester City).

It clearly states why these players move to that space and why they do not move to another space.

To develop the ability to perceive and utilize space.

Jeong Ho-yeon said, "The coach asks me to play by running a lot and securing space," and added, "I was originally a player

who only liked to attack, but now I am constantly thinking about and learning how I can create better space for my


He added, "When I watch overseas soccer matches, I compare myself with those players. I wonder if I could play like that if

I were in that situation." He continued, "I still feel inadequate in situations where the opponent puts strong pressure on

me. I will try to listen carefully to the coach's advice."

Jung Ho-yeon, who is 'dreaming', said, "The director told me, 'Get your worth recognized and go out there.' He said that it

would be better to go when called by a place that accurately recognizes your worth, rather than going blindly." He also gave

advice from director Lee Jung-hyo.

For now, focus only on the team's performance in front of you.

Gwangju, which finished third last year and earned a ticket to the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Champions League

(ACL), was shaken early this season by a seven-game losing streak.

Gwangju, which won its first game in four games in Seoul on the 2nd, rose to 7th place (19 points).

Jeong Ho-yeon said with sparkling eyes, "I feel proud that Gwangju is increasingly being recognized in K League 1," and

added, "Our team's reality is that we are not stopping there, but are aiming for higher goals."

Jung Ho-yeon, who recently started as a defensive midfielder, explained his change by saying, "When I play as an

attacking midfielder, I make short passes and move forward, but when I play as a defensive midfielder, I think I can see

further. I'm studying passes that can switch faster and go further at once."

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